Values, Interests, Skills (VIS)

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Choose Your Top 5 Values, Interests, and Skills

In addition to the items listed, feel free to input additional values, interests, and skills not listed.

Connecting Your VIS to Sectors and Industries

Yale’s Office of Career Strategy advises students to think about their career choices in terms of Function, Industry, and Sector.

  • First, consider Function as it is the most important element, as this is the actual job. What will you work on day to day? This is an important distinction because the Function/Job is what will be transferable throughout a career.
  • Second, consider the Industry. In which Industry do you want to do this function/job? For example, you may be interested in marketing and want to use those skills in the Technology Industry.
  • Third, consider the Sector. Do you want to do that work at a for-profit company, non-profit organization, or government entity? For example, perhaps you are a computer programmer who wants to work for a mission-driven non-profit organization.

This exercise helps students think through these distinctions and start to develop a target list of possible jobs and organizations.

  • Step 1: Use the below Function list to identify a function/job in which you are interested. Hint: This part pulls from your skills, what are you qualified to do for work?
  • Step 2: Next, think about the Industry and Sector where you want to hold that job. Hint: This part pulls from your interests and values, how and where do you want to use your skills?
  • Step 3: Identify specific jobs and organizations that align.


Function: Software Development/Programming (I have strong programming skills)

Industry: Technology (I’m interested in the innovative culture of the Technology industry)

Sector: For-Profit (I have an interest in how technology is built and marketed globally)

Targeted Position and Company/Organization: Software Engineer at Google

Function: Writing/Editing (I’m a strong writer and enjoy editing other writer’s work)

Industry: Healthcare (I’m interested in using my skills to share knowledge about Healthcare trends)

Sector: Non-Profit or Government/NGO (I want to work for a mission-driven organization)

Targeted Position and Company/Organization: Technical Healthcare Writer at the World Health Organization

Scenario 1

Scenario 2

Scenario 3




Your Top 5 Values, Interests, and Skills

Connecting Your VIS to Sectors and Industries

Scenario 1

Scenario 2

Scenario 3